Innovation Community of Practice Edge Week: Exploring Data Sovereignty and the Data Governance Crossroads in Asia with the Open Development Initiative
Session 1 overview: Exploring Data Sovereignty and the Data Governance Crossroads in Asia with the Open Development Initiative
Date: 29 September 2020, 1 pm ICT
As societies become increasingly digital how do we ensure that they are socially just and inclusive too? What implications do emergent tech and rapid development hold upon less or newly connected communities at large? What role does data sovereignty and data governance play?
In this first session of our Innovation Community of Practice Edge Week 1 we will learn from Pyrou Chung, Director of the Open Development Initiative (ODI), a project of the East West Management Institute (EWMI). She brings deep partitioning experience that anchors the above provocations most essential for this meaningful conversation. In this session Pyrou will share how the ODI is piloting and pushing to expand research and development into data sovereignty approaches, especially in terms of research, tools and infrastructure.
About Pyrou Chung
Pyrou directs the East West Management Institute’s programs on natural resource, land and data initiatives in Southeast Asia under the Open Development Initiative. As an ecologist and sustainable development expert, her work has been focused on the nexus between environmental governance, conservation and human rights, with an emphasis on implementing integrated biodiversity, natural resource management and land rights initiatives with indigenous, forest dependent or rural communities. More recently this work has intersected with the open data movement to utilise GIS data and information in an open data platform, Open Development Mekong, which promotes evidence-based decision making, digital gender inclusion and Indigenous Data Sovereignty. The platform is a one of a kind open data portal in Southeast Asia focused upon the Lower Mekong Countries — Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. ODI co-chairs the Open Data for Development AsiaHub along with Sinar Project.About the upcoming Community of Practice Gathering (October 5-9) “Ministry of Change”
As a lead up to the Ministry of Change Innovation Community of Practice gathering taking place online the week of October 5th, the UNDP Regional Innovation Center, in collaboration with States of Change, wanted to create a conversation space to exchange edge work from the field, as it relates and connects to systems change and transformation. We hope you enjoy and can share this with others in your network who may benefit or be interested.